Parcelle | Contact Us | Contact our friendly Sales Team
Parcelle | Contact Us | Contact our friendly Sales Team
Do your packages include GST?
How will my gift be gift wrapped?
When will my gift be sent out?
How long will my delivery take?
Where does Parcelle deliver?
What are the shipping costs?
Can I request a specific delivery date?
Can I add personalisation to my gift box?
Can I send to multiple locations?
What happens if an item is sold out?
How can I track my order?
Do your packages include GST?
Can I brand my gift with my logo?
Can I add personalisation to my gift box?
What logo file should I upload?
What is a “vector” format?
Can I open a Corporate Account?
How long does branding & customisation take?
What items can I customise?
Do you include a branded message card?
Can I brand wooden boards & Picnic Lids?
Is my logo suitable for printing?
What is the different branding methods?
I need a quick delivery can you help?
Can I create a branded merch pack?
Do you have Australian made products?
Do you have sustainable products?

Parcelle HQ